Post-sunset at Boutique Raft Resort up-county on the River Kwai Noi. Last visited February-March 2012 Kanchanaburi is the Bridge on the River Kwai town. Actually this page is about the Kanchanaburi district which contains some of the most interesting tourist attractions close to Bangkok. Okay, it aint exactly a beach or island - but a good proportion of travellers who land in Bangkok visit this area so a page is not wasted. Plus it's one of my favourite locations. Modified Google Earth image showing the lower half of the Kanchanaburi province within 80km of Kanchanaburi town contains the bulk of the tourist attractions. The province extends out of pic about an equal distance further north-north west to the Burmese border. This border turns abrubtly southwards and follows the Kwai Noi River to its west - that is the border line cutting the 40km scale line at about the 18km mark. The Kwai Noi and Kwai Yai rivers meet at Kanchanuburi town from where the combined waters flow ssw into ...