VISITED JAN 2019 Most people's idea of a tropical beach - sweet LOCATION CHAMPAGNE BEACH is located in northern VANUATU. At 15 degrees south it is well within the tropics - actually closer to the Equator than CAIRNS on the Australian mainland. So unlike NEW CALEDONIA this place would be a good mid-winter beach visit. NC tends to be a bit cool, unless you find a sheltered location. (all satellite images modified from GOOGLE EARTH) CHAMPAGNE BEACH is about 2/3 up the east coast of ESPIRITU SANTO, which is the northern-most big island of VANUATU. The beach is 54 km north by road (46 km in a direct line) from the island's biggest town LUGANVILLE, another popular call-in for cruise boats. That town is located in the narrow channel between the south-eastern island and the mainland above-left of the "100M" place marker. This is a great location for cruise liners because the bay off the beach gives great shelter from the south east trades which blow in this area more often ...